Search results for 'additives for skins finishing':

Below is the list of the relevant search results found for the keyword 'additives for skins finishing':

Most relevant results:

 isotropic finishing process: isotropic superfinishing | additiva
L’Isotropic Superfinishing ISF è uno speciale processo di vibrofinitura accelerato chimicamente e rappresenta l’ideale combinazione di effetti meccanici e chimici, conferendo alle superfici trattate una finitura non-direzionale. L’ISF avviene alla presenza di una soluzione chimica non tossica a base acqua che altera chimicamente un ...

 additives for paints and coatings | 2020-06-03 | pci magazine
Additives that make the coatings more easily cleaned or allow graffiti to be readily removed. Flame retardants. Waxes that reduce coefficient of friction (COF) on the surface of dried/cured paints and coatings. Plasticizers that boost flexibility. Additives that minimize blocking, marring, scratching, and burnishing.

 paint driers: types, test methods & drying process - specialchem
Driers are important additives for paints & coatings as they speed up the autoxidation process. Without these drying catalysts the cross-linking process slows down, allowing the paint layer to dry only after some months post application. With driers the formation of a hard film is accomplished typically within a few hours after paint application.

More results:

 finishing for additively manufactured parts | plastikmedia blog
When producing parts through additive manufacturing processes, it often becomes necessary to post-process and finish components in order to get the desired cosmetic finish required. With so many different finishing methods available, it can be daunting to figure out which method would be most suitable for your part, and so it becomes increasingly important to […]

 textiles functionalization - a review of materials, processes, and ...
Conventionally, textiles are known to cover up the human skin, but by scientific administration, clothing can be extended to serve other human skins’ functions. Accepting the chemical and dermatological complexity of human skin, the effect of humidity, microbes, pH, temperature, and wind can be engineered by wrapping it by functional clothing. In this regard, the latest class of textile ...

 the definitive guide to designing for additive manufacturing
With additive, you have the capability to design custom fit parts with randomized lattices to help with healing and adhesion. Some of the cost hurdles that may be presented with additive manufacturing are overcome with the ability to increase functionality, specifically in medical applications. Customer Preference.

 design for additive manufacturing: 3 levels of dfam | ntop
Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) is the methodology of creating, optimizing, or adapting the form and function of a part, assembly, or product to take full advantage of the benefits of additive manufacturing processes. DfAM is a complex topic and a hot research area. While the basic concepts are easy to understand, their implementation ...

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